
If you don’t know where you are going, any road will do.
SGC strategy services help you figure out where you really want to go and craft the pathway to get you there.

Strategic Planning

Effective strategic planning identifies key priorities, analyzes the current situation, and galvanizes internal and external stakeholders around a plan to get from here to there. Our expertise in mapping research, short and long-term planning, and change management ensure that the leader’s vision becomes the new reality.

Organizational Review

Many organizations have a sense that they could be doing better…but they are not exactly sure how. Our review carefully analyzes your structure, staffing, team dynamics, and performance to identify key areas for growth and improvement. We identify how shifts in leadership structure, staffing, key processes, and programmatic focus can help you reach the next level.

Financial Analysis

Do you know what your budget will look like next year? In 5 years?
Our financial analysis uncovers key areas for revenue enhancement and expense reduction, and lays the foundation for long-term planning which can qualitatively change your financial picture. At the same time, we highlight the alignment of finances, mission, and strategy to ensure that your budget supports your priorities.

Strategic Projects

Talented leaders always have their next project in mind, but they don’t always have the time or staff to move it forward. We provide a temporary boost to your staff and leadership capacity, helping you research, plan and implement that next project. Once the project is up and running, we guide the smooth transfer of responsibility back to internal staff so you can continue growing.

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Thanks you for your interest in Strategic Planning

We look forward to connecting with you to share more information.

Thanks you for your interest in Organizational Review

We look forward to connecting with you to share more information.

Thanks you for your interest in Financial Analysis

We look forward to connecting with you to share more information.

Thanks you for your interest in Strategic Projects

We look forward to connecting with you to share more information.